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Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to cope with stress and how to eliminate stress when faced with a problem?

How to relieve stress - Everyone has different problems and had ways to find a solution, even though every problem there is a way out but in the process of looking for an answer to someone sometimes experience things that are not pleasant to think of something as vicious, the emergence of excessive panic if the problem is resolved and not done all sorts of thoughts and feelings that ultimately makes us stressed and paranoidhow to cope with stress and how to relieve stress
how to cope with stress and how to relieve stress

Stress can occur in almost all age levels such as stress in children are still young, adolescent, adult, middle-aged and even to those who've experienced it can berumurpun and in fact stress is a major problem for many people both in the work environment because of the pressure , that responsibility must be accepted and any problems or stress should not have a problem either because households are less harmonious relationship, home shopping problem or maybe a problem in the care of children.Utilizing stress management as a way to cope with stress
One thing you have to underline that basically when you are under stress it is a maturing process yourself because you're facing a life challenge that you must walk your manhood believe or not assessed the extent to which you can solve the problem, well that's how the dynamics of life (ha. ha .. ha .. the dynamics of life! may well say so: p) just say welcome the dynamics of the problem but do not make life as an excuse to do things that will only compound the problem even further you justify all means to resolve the problem but without realize you just run away from problems and unwittingly have done the wrong way to relieve stress.

Stress is a maturing process yourself because you're facing a life challenge in the form of demands, opportunities and advanced life issues (next level) that you must walk, believe it or not your manhood assessed the extent to which you can resolve the problem well ~ AL
If your life is filled with feelings of stress then there are some simple things you are able to cope with stress and soon you do, do not let the influence of stress and torment of your life that cause frustration irritability, anxiety, conflict, and feel depressed for that you need to control your mind and do not make problems to load the mind as a way to cope with stress is most easilyHow to relieve stress with ease:how to relieve stress how to cope with stress
how to relieve stress - how to cope with stress easily

Expand dhikr and prayer, memohonlah to him to be given the best way out of the problems we face. Memintalah Him with all humility because God is the giver as well as possible way out
Have a positive view of yourself and try to refrain from negative thoughts that will help to clear and objective in making decisions and hang out with people who think positively
Adequate rest should not be there because of lack of sleep premises adequate sleep will help you feel refreshed and be productive on your job and responsibilities. This will help clear the mind and objective in analyzing a problem.
Try to relax by doing your hobby like listening to music, watching movies, reading, painting, joking with friends and anything that can help calm you and provide a conducive mood.
Try to share ideas with people you trust (vent so you know) are neutral in view of the problems so that you can get advice, advice that the original no-no ego influenced and interests
Be humble and be honest with yourself so that you can easily see the mistakes you made so that it can evaluate yourself to take a step better than ever.
If you're forced to be in a condition that can make you emotional and angry should you be quiet, organize your breath rather than speaking in an emotional state. Remember .. Emotional state will make the tongue moves faster than the brain that allows you to speak out of control and adds new problems around you, which in turn will add to your stress load.
Here are the most recent and make your life more easy life without having to disrupt the lives of others especially to the detriment of others.
Hopefully *** how to cope with stress / stress relief this way.

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