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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Contoh Paper dalam Bahasa Inggris: Family Food Granary as A Means of Family Food Security to Facing Pandemic (Covid-19)




1.1  Background of The Paper

As we all know, since the end of 2019 the world has been rocked by a pandemic, the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or commonly known as Covid-19. This virus is known originally from the City of Wuhan, China at the end of 2019 and had declared to be in Indonesia in March 2020. It's spread so rapidly, reaching more than 200 countries around the world. According to news reported by kompas.com on May 15, 2020, the number of victims killed by this virus in Indonesia reached 1,076 people with the addition of an average of cases per day around 400 people.

Covid-19 has a profound effect on people's lives. Its rapid transmission has forced the government to implement Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) which means the large-scale social distance or semi-lockdown in some areas that have very high transmission rates. In addition, the community was also asked to remain at home so that the spread could be stopped immediately. It is feared it could lead to an economic downturn, especially if the spread of this virus does not end immediately.

One of the things that need to be considered when social distancing or PSBB (Semi-lockdown) is the availability of sufficient food. The panic that might occur in the community is a concern over the adequacy of food due to the weakening of their economy. The community must be able to maintain its food availability throughout the pandemic, even though their work activities are restricted. Therefore, an effort should be made to maintain the availability of these foods for a long time.

The government has actually tried to provide food for the community, namely with the assistance in the form of food and other programs. But the community must still be self-sufficient and not always rely on the government, especially the assistance capacity is not necessarily able to fulfill all the needs of the community. An effort that can be carried out by the community to help maintain their food availability during the pandemic is to utilize things available in their single homes. Therefore, the community needs to carry out efforts to help maintain family food security.

The thing that could the community do to maintaining food availability for families is to provide family food granary. The provision of specific food granary for families is considered to be able to help community food security, especially in the face of a pandemic like today. Therefore, discussions related to family food granary need to be done so that the community can immediately get information in implementing the program appropriately.

1.2  Problem Formulation

Based on the identification above, this research was conducted to answer several questions in the following problem formulation:
1. Can family food granary help maintain family food security?
2. How to implement the family food granary program by utilizing the home environment to help maintain family food security?

1.3 Propose of The Paper

Based on the identification and formulation of the problem, the purpose of this paper is:

1. Knowing the benefits of providing family food granary for family food security
2. Knowing how to implement family food granary by utilizing the home surroundings in an effort to maintain family food security.



2.1 Family Food Security

Family food security is the ability of families to maintain the availability of their daily food. Family food security is very important to consider especially during the spread of a pandemic such as Covid-19. The government has made many efforts to maintain food security by carrying out the mandate of Law, Number 18 of 2012. The law states that the implementation of food security aims to improve the ability to produce food independently, provide diverse food and meet the requirements of quality safety, and nutrition for public consumption, realize the level of food sufficiency, especially staple foods at reasonable and affordable prices in accordance with community needs.

The Covid-19 pandemic that is happening right now greatly influences the economic cycle in the world so that it has great potential to be the cause of a food crisis in our country. The disrupted distribution process due to PSBB or lockdown in various cities in the world has also obstructed the availability of food for urban communities. Combine with an increase in unemployment due to the many worker discharges and high poverty rates so that the ability of families to fulfill food is also constrained. The government and the community need to work together to resolve the issue.

In addition to obeying regulations and following policies set by the government, the community can also help maintain the country's food security by trying to be self-handed maintain the food security of their respective families. This can be done by implementing the best strategy for family food by saving money, delaying other expenses, and providing family food granary, as well as other programs that support the strategy.

2.2 Family Food Granary

The government encourages the community to be able to fulfill food needs independently, one of them is through Community Food Granary (Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat: LPM). However, this activity is difficult to implement for regions in Semi-lockdown (PSBB) state, so what community needs to be done in maintaining the availability of family food is running the family food granary. The implementation of family food granary is not different from the community food Granary (LPM), the difference is just the comparison scale which is smaller, only done by families in each of their homes.

Family food granary is an implementation of family empathy in anticipating the impact of food scarcity that may occur due to Semi-lockdown (PSBB) or regional quarantine that might be widespread. Provision of family food granary does not mean just storing a few items of goods, but rather is a family's effort in storing enough food reserves for them to be consumed privately. This is important to note because we never know how long the spread of this pandemic will end.

Programs that can be executed by families in implementing family food granary are mini family farming as conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo which was reported in Liputan6.com (23/4) during a visit to Manado, Tuesday, April 21, 2020. This family farming can be a sufficient foundation to help maintain family food security in the face of a pandemic.

2.1.1 Implementation of simple family farming as an effort to provide family food granary

Helping to maintain the availability of daily food by storing sufficient food reserves for family needs is the main goal of the family food granary. These activities can be carried out by storing long-lasting instant foods such as instant noodles, canned meat (corned beef), sardines, etc. But the family's need for balanced nutrition also needs to attend during the pandemic, so we need more than these ingredients for family food supplies. One effort that can be done to fulfill these needs is to do simple family farming, which is agricultural activities owned and managed by families, not by companies. These activities can be carried out by utilizing the home environment for food production activities such as livestock or fisheries.

Syahyuti (2016) explains that the family farming program has been implemented by most farmers in the world and has proven to contribute greatly to environmental health, poverty alleviation, and farmers' welfare. This shows the importance of us being able to immediately carry out family farming especially in the current pandemic, so we can help maintain family food security. By helping maintain family food security, we automatically contribute to maintaining national food security. but, not all families have enough land to carry out the program, so we need the other efforts that can be done by families who do not own land, namely by utilizing the neighborhood of each home.




Berita Update kasus Covid19 Kompas pada 15 Mei 2020, pukul 15.58 WIB. https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2020/05/15/15580191/update-15-mei-ada-16496-kasus-covid-19-di-indonesia-bertambah-490. Diakses pada: 15 Mei 2020 pukul 16.30 WIB.

Berita Liputan 6 pada 23 April 2020 pukul 07.00 WIB. https://www.liputan6.com/regional/read/4234170/jaga-ketahanan-pangan-saat-pandemi-covid-19-dengan-family-farming. Diakses pada: 15 Mei 2020 pukul 16.00 WIB.

Pusat data dan system informasi pertanian kementerian pertanian. 2015. Outlook komoditas pertanian subssektor tanaman pangan padi. Kementerian pertanian. ISSN: 1907 – 1507. 103 hal.

Syahyuti. 2016. Relevansi konsep dan gerakan pertanian keluarga (family
Farming) serta karakteristiknya di indonesia. Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian. Bogor.

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